Case Study: Experiences in the International Dissemination of Conscientiology


  • Anibal Bentes


This article reports on institutional initiatives, as a volunteer teacher at the International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology (IIPC), and also personal actions, as an independent researcher, for the dissemination of conscientiology in the period from 2014 to 2020. During this period, I gave lectures at international events, donated books to public libraries and published entries and articles in international books and repositories, defending the usefulness of parapsychic resources, proposing their technical use in police activities and in space exploration activities. The main goal of these actions was to establish a dialogue with institutions and researchers of natural and social sciences in order to present the consciential paradigm of scientific investigation. The article is subdivided into 6 topics: introduction; reporting of book donations; lectures; consciential gestations and the results of assistantial actions, followed by concluding arguments. The theories of conscientiology and projectiology are ready to be tried and their specific practical utility realized.

