Experiences on Self-Consciousness: How can the Consciential Paradigm Integrate Nondual Approaches of Interbeing and Cosmopolitanism?


  • Antonio Pitaguari CEAEC


This paper aims not to ascertain anything, but instead to share experiences and questions faced throughout the journey of being a long-term volunteer of conscientiology. Practicing the disbelief principle in trying to overcome opinions and judgements, while focused on understanding and improving self-consciousness, the author, after having encountered several myths in a university training on nutrition later in life, felt the need to discern reliable (relative truth) from pretense (authoritative dogma) knowledge. This was not just to right or wrong information, but to expand the experience of the group and universal connection. Among the findings, consciential health, besides being an individual issue, could also include a social holothosenic process to comprehend interbeing and cosmopolitanism associated with a nondual perspective derived from ancient spiritual points of view. Questioning the way ahead when seeking parabrain transcendence, in terms of integrating linear progressive right/wrong dualist directions with nonlinear direct path of nondualism, this paper closes with an invitation to create an Invisible College of Self-conscientiology. A group work to research how to help improving the union and integration of the International Conscientiological Cosmoethical Community (ICCC).


